Welcome to Class 13's Blog!

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Hi everyone,
It's a new year and already it is the last week of January. With the disruption of the snow we've only had one 'seren yr wythnos' this term; well done to Shannon Johnson for her good behaviour and hard work.

We are looking forward to February 4th when we visit Rhondda Heritage Park which will give children a feel of Victorian times. Make sure you send in your permission slips. We are all enjoying the story of Oliver Twist and are looking forward to finding out if it is a happy ending for Oliver.

Also in February we will be preparing our art entries and are learning a welsh song for the eisteddfod. Friday we will be having a special assembly with visitors, don't forget to wear red, black, or yellow for our Uganda flag day and donations will be gratefully received. I look forward to seeing a colourful hall!

Mrs Hussey